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Thursday Night Hills


6:15PM - Every Thursday Nights (Electric Mountain Car Park, Llanberis)


Free training run for members and non-members. The group tends to be between 15 – 30 individuals. In the summer the group will take to the hills and mountains of Snowdonia. In the winter usually held in and around the streets of Llanberis.

Everyone will run to the top of the first hill (road/lane). The faster perhaps more competitive runners will run ahead (It is training after all). The slower runners will run up the same hill, some will walk and talk and everyone meets at the top. We wait for everyone and have a bit of chat. Then we all run down and repeat the next 7-8 hill reps. You can push as hard or as little as you like. No one will judge you on how quickly or slowly you ascend as everyone is concentrating on their own growling stomachs and the lactic acid building up in their thighs and calves.

These sessions have been the catalyst in the improvement of my running. The sessions and people will motivate you to be more active, improve you confidence and running ability. 

See link below for the Thursday Night Hill Sessions in Llanberis.

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